Friday, 20 February 2015

Blog Project Dates

Hi ladies,

Hoping you are all keeping well?

Can I please ask that you all keep a note of blog project dates and that they are posted on the main blog on the morning of the Wednesday that they are due.  Gill will be happy to let you have a new digi-stamp to use on your projects.  Also, if you could please make sure you blog your project on the same day.

If you are not able to do the project on your allocated dates, please drop me an email so that I can change the days around to accommodate.

Many thanks,

Heidi xx

Monday, 16 February 2015

Forthcoming Challenge Themes

Hi ladies,
Thanks again for such beautiful cards for the Feb challenge, they were amazing!  Also getting them to me on time, I really appreciate it.
Can I please have your ideas for forthcoming challenge themes for July to December. It isn't compulsory that you offer any, anything that we haven't covered, would be great and I appreciate everyone's input.  It is OUR team after all :)
Looking forward to hearing your suggestions.
Heidi x

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Couple of Questions

Hello Everyone

Hope you are all well? I've been on TLC duty over the last three weeks as both my children (2 and 5) have had Chicken least they're getting it out the way while they're young :-)

When doing the commenting I noticed one had missed the use a digi bit! Just left a nice thanks for entering comment, hope that was ok?

Also is there anyway on this blog to set it so that it emails us when there is a new post? It gives me a nudge to look at the blog then ;-)


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Digi-Stamp Challenge # 2

Hello ladies,

Our second digi-stamp challenge goes live this Wednesday, 11th February.

Can you please make sure that they are all loaded under our 'February' challenge page by Tuesday 10th February by 4pm at the latest.

Here is the picture/prize below for the challenge.

Our prize for February - FIVE DIGI-STAMPS

Many thanks ladies, hoping you are all well?

Heidi xx