Thursday, 29 January 2015

Blog Project Posts

Thank you for all of your wonderful blog projects that you have made and uploaded recently.
I have just seen that Avril has uploaded a wonderful project, but unfortunately its a week early. Anne's project was due to go live today instead.
Anyway, no worries, I have changed the dates on the blog here. I have contacted Anne and she will upload her blog project to go live next Thursday, 5th February. Lisa please go ahead and blog yours the week after.
Many thanks ladies,
Heidi xxx

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Thank you!

Hi ladies,

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your wonderfully bright and beautiful cards, they are stunning and really showed the Little Claire digi-stamps off at their best.

Sending Avril get well soon wishes, she has a nasty virus and will be joining us for the next challenge and also will be doing her first blog project soon.

If you do ever wish to join in our usual stamp challenges, please just upload your cards into the pages on the blogs and I will include in the challenge posts.  Our January challenge goes live this Saturday, so maybe a little late for you this month.

By the way, when doing your own blog projects, please contact Gill/Carol with your choice of digi images.  They will then send it to you ready to complete your projects.  If you could add some photos, a product and instruction list for it too, that would be great.

Thanks again, I know that Gill was very pleased with the cards you all made.

Heidi x

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Challenge Prize for January & Welcome Anne!

Hi ladies,
Gill has offered TEN digi-stamps of choice for the winner of our first digi-stamp challenge. That's a lot of digi's, hopefully we will get lots of wonderful entries.
Please include with your cards in the post, along with a link to the website.
We also have another design team member joining the Digi-Stamp team.  The lovely Anne Ruffles.
I have been an avid crafter for as long as I can remember; ranging from knitting, bobbin and needle lace making, parchment craft and more recently sugar craft and cake decoration. Card making always ran alongside my other crafting projects. Over the last few years, and particularly since I retired from teaching, a year and a half ago, I have been indulging my passion for card designing and making, so my other crafty projects now have to fit in. My husband Ken and I love to travel, so am always on the look out for ideas to incorporate into my designs. On the home front, if Ken can’t find me indoors or gardening he knows where to look…..up in my ‘shed’ card making.
Welcome Anne! x

Anne's blog :

Anne, please note dates of challenges/blog projects next to your name.  Also commenting numbers for you to note - thanks x
Thank you all for your lovely cards and being so prompt in loading them to the post.
Heidi xx

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Pinterest Update

Hello again ladies

Thanks for your replies about Pinterest.  I've now added Lisa and Alli to the boards being followed by Little Claire.  Sarah - I couldn't find you on the list of followers.  Are you on there under your name or a different one?

I've now created boards for the digi downloads following the categories on the website - the idea is that it makes it easier to find the digi by going to the corresponding section on the website.

I've added everyone who I know is on Pinterest as a 'pinner' for each board.  You should get a notification on your own Pinterest page to say you've been invited to pin to each of the boards.  If you accept that invitation, you will then be able to add cards to the boards.  You will also find that the boards appear on your own page.

If you've used a digi which fits into one of the categories can you please add it to that board rather than the general board.  For example, I've uploaded a card I made with the 'Digi Golf Bag' so I've put this on the 'For the Men' board even though that digi also appears in the General section.  I've also uploaded a card using 'Lydia Goes Shopping' which I've put on the General board as that digi doesn't appear in another section on the website.

Hope that all makes sense but if it doesn't, please shout!!

If you're not on Pinterest, please drop me an e-mail with a photo of any digi cards you make and I'll add them to the boards.  My e-mail address is:

Thanks again everyone
Helen x


Hi ladies,

Thank you for your gorgeous cards for the first challenge, they are just beautiful!  Gill is going to love them all and they will make a fantastic first challenge post.

If you haven't already loaded your cards onto the challenge pages at the top of the blogs. (Marianne has done a fabby job uploading them), can you please do so as soon as possible.  I need them to be on there at the latest by Tuesday, 13th, for me to upload onto the main posts. If you have any problems loading, please let me know.

I am waiting on Gill to advise how many digi-stamps she will be giving away as a prize.  If you could all add this to your posts for Wednesday, along with links to both the blog and website. If possible direct links to the digi-stamps and any products you have used.

Regarding admin on the Little Claire blogs.  Thank you to everyone that has helped the new ladies with blog queries etc, but can all settings be dealt with by myself, as requested by Gill.  This saves things from being changed or deleted by accident.

Many thanks,

Heidi x

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Blog Project

I am a bit unsure as to the subject for the blog project I need to make for 22nd Jan. I know January is "open project" month and we`ve all done projects of our choice for the 15th Jan so am I right in thinking that I can chose my own project and stamp for the next project on the 22nd Jan?
I know this may be so obvious to everyone else but I am first on the list for making projects after the big one on the 15th Jan and I need to get started as soon as I can. Also do I get in touch with Gill and ask her for the stamp I would like, or will she chose a stamp and send it on?

Love Alli Xx

Friday, 9 January 2015

Help Please

Hi All,

Trying to load up my card for the Challenge but I cannot see the pages, I'm only able to view the posts. Earlier some people hadn't been given full admin rights, is that the same case with me?

Also a quick question? With the other challenges / Projects are we given specific digi-stamps or will we get to choose? How soon will we recieve these? as I would like to work in advance, when I get a spare moment when my baby is sleeping I will be able to get on so I keep up to date :)

Sarah xx

Wednesday, 7 January 2015


I suggested to Heidi that it would be easier if we had the challenges as pages rather than as posts. That way those of us who like to get ahead can post our cards on the appropriate challenge and also the posts don't get lost amongst everything else. As Heidi is without a PC at the moment I volunteered to do it for her.

 I have cut and pasted the cards which have been uploaded so far onto the January page. You will see that there is a page for each challenge at the top.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Little Claire Pinterest Page

Welcome again, ladies - great to have you with us as part of the Little Claire team.

I look after the Little Claire Pinterest page and I'm wondering how many of you use Pinterest?  I've found Lynsey's page and hopefully you should find that you're now being followed by Little Claire (that sounds a bit odd but you know what I mean!!).

If you are on Pinterest, could you follow the LC page and I'll then be able to pick up your page from the notifications.  Please leave me a comment either way to let me know.

It doesn't matter if you don't use Pinterest - not all of the team do and I can easily add photos that are e-mailed to me.

Helen x

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Welcome ladies!


Alison, Avril, Lisa, Lynsey, Mags, Margreet, Sarah & Susan.

Welcome aboard our Digi-Stamp team!

Please feel free to take the LC blinkie on the sidebar for your blogs.

Just to let you know that I will be introducing you on the main blog tomorrow, its all very exciting! Please can you upload your own posts to co-inside with it.  It would be great to spread the word about our new team.  Also if you could put a link on the blog back to the main website, which is here for you.

I will also now add all of your names to the side-bar sections.  If you cannot make the blog project dates at all, please let me know when you can, so I can change them around to suit everyone.

Please make a note of the dates beside your names, so that your projects are loaded in time.

A huge thanks to Lynsey for volunteering to do the first project.  I have then gone alphabetically for the next dates etc.

I have posted below, a blog post for you to upload your first cards onto.  If you could let me have the name of the digi-stamp you have used, that would be great.  I should know all of the names by now, but sometimes they elude me lol.  Please can up upload your cards by next Monday, 12th January, so that I can finish the blog post.

Lovely to have you on-board.  Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any help or clarification.  This blog is for all of us to get to know and help each other.

Many thanks,

Heidi x

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Open Theme Challenge Post

Hi ladies,

Please upload your digi-stamp cards for our first challenge to the January page.

Margreet - 14th January

I have made a centre step card and have used the digi Birds in Squares. Colored with copics.

xxx Margreet

Friday, 2 January 2015

Little Claire Blog Clarification

Hi ladies, hope you are all keeping well?

I have just posted on main LC private blog, the following.  To stop any confusion, we are going to let everyone have access to all three blogs.

I will get your invites out to you this weekend, for the other Little Claire blogs.  If you would like to see who the other teamies are, please go via the links on the main blog sidebar.

The same applies to all of you ladies, should you wish to join in the main blog challenges each month, you are more than welcome to do so.

Also, if I can please have a volunteer to do the first blog project for Thursday 15th January.  I am still waiting to hear back from Alison.  Many thanks x

Please shout if you need any further information.

Heidi xxx

Here is the post :


I have spoken to Gill to get clarification on how we are going to run both blog's.

We appreciate that keeping to deadlines with Little Claire challenges, commenting on entries and blog projects etc. can take up a lot of your spare time, so we initially thought we would keep the workload down for everyone, by having them separate and spreading the load of the posts on the main blog.

We have now decided, to stop any confusion and let all design team members, new and old to have access to all of the three blogs.  I will still be creating and maintaining the main blog posts for each.  If you wish to participate in the new challenges, can you please upload your cards and stamp details, direct to the main challenge post, two days before the challenge goes live. This will enable me to finish the challenge posts, ready to go live.

For the new challenges, you can use any stamps or digi's that you already have.  As it is a digi-stamp challenge, digi-stamps would be preferable.

The new digi-stamp challenges will be monthly on a Wednesday, this along with the Little Claire Likes projects, existing challenges and blog projects, will keep the blog active at different times of the week. The first digi-stamp challenge has an 'Open Theme' and is going live on Wednesday, 14th January.  Gill will be giving away as the prize, a number of digi images (number to be decided by Gill).

The digi-stamp ladies will be posting their blog projects on Thursdays, starting on 15th January, the original team are to post theirs on Fridays as before.

Here are the digi-stamp team's blog addresses.  I am still waiting to hear back from two ladies as to whether they are coming aboard or not.  I will advise of these when I hear back.

Digi-Stamp Teamies

Lisa West -
Lynsey Warren -
Mags Binder -
Margreet Burger -
Sarah Bell -
Susan Renshaw -

If you are participating in the challenges, can you please comment on the entries, on the new challenges, thanks.

As previously stated, I will be introducing the new digi-stamp team on Monday, 5th on the main blog.  I will also send all of you, over the weekend, invites to the digi-private blog and the same for the new ladies.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.