Sunday, 11 January 2015


Hi ladies,

Thank you for your gorgeous cards for the first challenge, they are just beautiful!  Gill is going to love them all and they will make a fantastic first challenge post.

If you haven't already loaded your cards onto the challenge pages at the top of the blogs. (Marianne has done a fabby job uploading them), can you please do so as soon as possible.  I need them to be on there at the latest by Tuesday, 13th, for me to upload onto the main posts. If you have any problems loading, please let me know.

I am waiting on Gill to advise how many digi-stamps she will be giving away as a prize.  If you could all add this to your posts for Wednesday, along with links to both the blog and website. If possible direct links to the digi-stamps and any products you have used.

Regarding admin on the Little Claire blogs.  Thank you to everyone that has helped the new ladies with blog queries etc, but can all settings be dealt with by myself, as requested by Gill.  This saves things from being changed or deleted by accident.

Many thanks,

Heidi x


  1. Mines up now....was made on Friday but with a magazine comission and hubby/kids getting in the way I've only just had peace and quiet to photograph!!
