Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Favourite Five Little Claire Cards of 2015

As it tends to get quieter in blog land towards the end of this month, I wondered how you would feel about doing a post featuring your five favourite LC cards of 2015?

It would simply be a blog post with photos of the five cards with links to the website and if you wanted to, you could say why the cards you've chosen are your favourites.

If you would be willing to take part, please let me know asap - I will put together a rota for posting so everyone knows when to schedule their post.

Any questions, please shout

Helen x


  1. Hi Helen, once again this is a great idea and you can count me in. Xx

  2. Hi Helen, once again this is a great idea and you can count me in. Xx

  3. I'm happy to join in 😊 - if I could please be scheduled towards the end as I have a lot going on at the min?? Xx

  4. OK, but please not as first one (so I can see what kind of blogpost is meant and not 19th, 20th or 22nd December).
